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A blue and green logo for people vest

An Investment in Your People...

The Wisest Investment of All

PEOPLEVEST is an industry leader in organizational development, culture & strategy.

Our aim is to cultivate an engaged and collaborative workforce that results in significant improvement in company culture & performance.

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Investing in people drives organizational success, creates a culture of performance, transforms vision into action & increases retention.

Let’s Get Started

"The PEOPLEVEST leadership course had such a positive impact on our team!

We practiced effective communication skills and learned how to understand different leadership styles. We were then able to align our goals which is a crucial element for a successful and harmonious team dynamic.

The facilitation provided by PEOPLEVEST played a key role in helping our team focus and collaborate more effectively."

~Vince Schiavone, CEO, Caring for Friends

A logo for caring for friends with a heart and a magnifying glass.

“Our leadership, professional development day with PEOPLEVEST was a success, particularly with the inclusion of the Everything DiSC Catalyst session.

The use of DiSC assessments provided our leaders with valuable insights into individual communication styles, work preferences, and behavioral tendencies. This knowledge was a powerful tool in enhancing our coordination and collaboration.

By gaining a better understanding of each team member's DiSC profile, we are well-equipped to navigate potential communication challenges, leverage individual strengths, and foster a more inclusive and productive work environment.

It was well worth investing in professional development opportunities like this. We would recommend PEOPLEVEST to anyone interested."

~ Beth Devine, Executive Director, Philadelphia Youth Sports Collaborative

The logo for philadelphia youth sports collaborative

"Our experience with PEOPLEVEST has been so positive over the past five years. Ongoing professional development and group coaching has had a profound impact on individuals and the overall work environment.

PEOPLEVEST has been instrumental in fostering a positive workplace culture and enhancing personal and professional performance among our team.

We will continue invest in professional development because we are getting results and staying competitive. Our ongoing relationship with PEOPLEVEST , is key to our success.

~ Todd Cannon, CEO, Serenite

A black and white logo for serenite with a swirl on it

Why Us

We transform talented individuals into collaborative groups that support thriving workplace cultures.

We transform leadership to enable them to lead a productive & high-functioning workforce.

We facilitate a seamless incorporation of a complete sales process into a unique zone framework.

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